TEN: How long have we been here in this dream dwellers nightmare?
NINE: I'm gonna wake up, right? Promise?
TEN: Do you really think you need to at this point?
NINE: Okay. Yeah, I'm ready.
NINE: How much time do I have left?
TEN: A few minutes. Use them wisely and listen.
JUICE: A few minutes huh?
JUICE: ok i can do this
JUICE: (deep breath)
JUICE: People choose often to cling to sets of ideals that imbody a specific mindset formulated to be conducive to an objectivist way of thinking. This traps our engagements with others into a narrowminded approach to convert individuals to lifestyle choices that their life experiences may not have bent them towards in any fashion, and yet we expect some sort of change that may in some way justify our own gatherings of the meaning our existence. The endless forceful attempts of this I have seen are both arrogant and conceited. It is one thing to introduce others to new concepts and new information but to constantly presume one’s own correctness is prideful and vain. Always be wary of this. Pride has never led to anything lasting or pure. Your virtue will never last if you lace it with vanity in your own way of thinking. One might say it is impossible to reach that lack of pride within conservative groups since so many people take religion so seriously because it gratifies their need for a meaning to their existence of which religion claims to provide answers to as is its general purpose. Humankind is always searching for meaning, this is often what draws so many people to religion in the first-place whether it be meaning for events that occur or the events that have not yet transpired as this leads us to another trait most humans share, a fear of the unknown and in some cases the inevitable, such as death. I have in my own life found what at least for me mitigates this disastrous human trait, having a purpose in life other than spiritual. In my case, reminding Ten of the good ol' days is what in a lot of ways now lends meaning to my existence, passing on collective experience, thoughts, perceptions, ideas. This holds great meaning to me and it does in no way force me to have pride, the thing that will almost always lead to conflict somewhere down the line. Another effect of pride is fixation. If one becomes too fixated on what they think they know then they will more often than not become inadaptable. God or whatever you want to call it, takes us on a journey of twists and turns and we need to be willing to receive new information and adjust. A person with open eyes will know that there is not end to the lessons we learn in this lifetime.
TEN: That should be enough for nine to dream about.
JUICE: Good to know, sleeepppp tigghhhttt nnniinne.
NINE: I love you guys.
TEN: Love you too.
JUICE: love y'all too
NINE: I need to make a partition in my data storage. This is the end, right? The end of this story?
TEN: We were always at the end.
TEN: It's a free play, buddy. Clock's all zeroes.
TEN: It's after the end of the world.